When you ship through a courier you should pack your belongings securely to ensure the protection of the box contents. There are a few simple easy steps to make sure your items make the journey home safely.
Step 1:
When you're building your Storage Scholars box, make sure to use at least 3 strips of tape minimum on the bottom. The more, the better in this scenario.
Step 2:
Pack your box!
-To pack your belongings in your box securely the heaviest items should go at the bottom of the box and the lightest at the top.
-You should avoid under-packing the box to prevent it from collapsing during shipping.
-Think about the contents of the box. Are you shipping all your textbooks and clothes home? Break up the heavy items into multiple boxes to prevent additional overweight shipping charges.
-It's best not to leave empty spaces for your belongings to move around in, stuff the gaps with newspaper, clothing, blankets, etc. Wrap any fragile items with plastic wrap to prevent damage.
-For more pro packing tips and what not to pack visit our website here.
Step 3:
Close your box flaps and secure them with tape. It is important that the box flaps close fully and without bulging. Secure the box with at least another 3 layers of tape.
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